AMI’s Environmental Policy
AMI believes in strong corporate stewardship of our natural resources and promotes environmental sustainability practices in all facets of our business. Since 2009, AMI has been “Zero Landfill” and has diverted over 20,000,000 lbs of material from area landfills. This has been accomplished through team member training and investment in recycling programs and a growing focus on continuous improvement activities. Our goal is to reduce our environmental footprint through targeted reduction activities in the areas of energy, water and VOC’s. Through community partnerships, AMI strives to invest in local initiatives including K-12 schools, scholarship programs, regional environmental education events and more. AMI has been ISO14001 certified since 2006.
Promoting Aisin’s Environmental Management Sysem
Realizing Significant Impacts
Implementing Methods to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Determining and Complying with All Rules and Regulations
Establishing Targets and Objectives